Date: December 22, 2020
Category: Employee of the Month

Congratulations to The Contact Company’s Employee of the Month for December 2020, Hannah McNally!
Hannah is an Operations Manager on one of our busy retail campaigns.
Hannah was nominated by her colleagues for living and breathing all three of The Contact Company’s values of Trust, Courtesy and Communication. They explain more:
“I have always been able to approach Hannah as our Operations Manager, knowing I can confide and trust in her with any personal issues or problems I may be having.
Hannah also always ensures that she thinks of each individual when planning tasks or duties, showing us courtesy and consideration on a very regular basis.
She is also an extremely good communicator, and always gets the message across via the right channel and in the right way, whether the messaging be formal or informal.
Hannah is extremely well versed in not only ensuring that she performs her core duties to the highest standard, but also adheres to our company values at all times”.
Hannah’s commitment to her colleagues and the positive and courteous way in which she treats those around her is something that is well-recognised amongst many around the business. Contact Centre Manager, and Hannah’s line manager, Mike Rowlands added: “This award is very well deserved- Hannah is extremely hardworking and is highly thought of by her colleagues, peers and clients. On the same day as receiving the award, Hannah had baked little gingerbread men for her team and hand iced their names onto the biscuit. This is Hannah through and through!”
Congratulations, Hannah, and thank you for all that you do.