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Employee of the Year: Gráinne Corden

Category: Employee of the Month

Congratulations to 2019’s Employee of the Year, Gráinne Corden!

Back in February of last year, Gráinne was awarded Employee of the Month for her positive, can-do attitude and her commitment to getting any task at hand done to the highest standard.

Speaking in February of last year, Gráinne’s colleagues explained: “Since joining the Audit, Risk and Compliance team, Gráinne has been nothing short of exceptional in her approach and dedication to her role; she always takes on new challenges with such professionalism and a solution-based mentality. She has proven to be a real asset to the team and I look forward to seeing where her attitude and capabilities can take her within the department and The Contact Company.”

“Gráinne is proactive, kind and helpful; the type of person to get on and work hard all the time, but never tell people about it. She is personable, and on the number of occasions I have worked with her has gone out of her way to help me by doing far more than she needed to, simply just to be helpful. I also know that she has held a number of positions in the business- I can only imagine this is because she is considered trustworthy and honest, reliable and versatile.”

Gráinne has been working with The Contact Company since 2017, having initially worked as a Customer Service Advisor, before working with both the Audit, Risk and Compliance Team and the Recruitment Team after having demonstrated her skill-set and commitment.

Sian Stephens, Head of Recruitment: “Gráinne is most definitely one of the most hard working and loyal employees at The Contact Company and I could never have started and developed the new Recruitment Department without her. She thoroughly deserves to win this award, especially as we go through these very turbulent times; she has stepped up to help in Operations and has been invaluable in supporting our teams!”

Kevin Horgan, Head of Operations: “Gráinne is an asset to the business and can turn her hand to anything! She consistently delivers with quality and is a role model others can follow.”

Not only is Gráinne committed to her day-to-day role and colleagues, but she is also a great support to the general business, with a fantastic understanding of ‘the bigger picture’, and a brilliant sport! Thanks for all your hard work, Gráinne.